3 Reasons A Lock Rekeying Service Makes Sense

Do you know what you would do if you lost the key(s) to the main door of your home? Getting a new key will likely come to your mind in the spur of a moment. You might choose this option if you have a spare key that you can get a copy of. However, getting another key cut can come with safety issues. You could put yourself at risk to get burglarized or physically harmed. Read More 

Make Several Changes While Hiring A Locksmith To Improve Security

Making your home feel more secure is something that you may be interested in when you want to know that your family feels safe inside the house every day. The house may not have what it needs to give this feeling to your family, which may encourage you to invest in improvements. Hiring a locksmith is worth doing because they can help you improve various aspects of your home that will boost security, but you should consider working on other changes at the same time. Read More 

Automotive Transponder Key 101

Many of the newer cars come with what is known as a chipped key, or a key with a transponder chip that communicates with the car's ignition system to engage the system when the right transponder chip is recognized. That means that you have to have the particular key programmed to your car in order to start the engine. Here's a look at what you need to know about these keys. Read More 

Tips To Help You Handle And Prevent Lockouts

How often do you find yourself locked out of your house, car, or business? Some people are unlucky enough to suffer through these lockout events several times each year. If you are one of those unfortunate souls, you can make a few changes to help avoid those situations and handle them with ease. Note Emergency Lockout Service Contact Information You've probably used the emergency lockout services in the past, but did you save the contact information? Read More 

The Best Possessions To Put In Your Vault

After you have installed your vault safe, you might wonder what you should keep in your vault. There are a lot of places you can put your belongings, such as in a storage unit or in a safety deposit box at a bank. However, there are some items you are better off keeping in your fault. Firearms One of the best things to keep in your vault is a gun. This can allow you to prevent guests or children from accessing your gun and using it improperly. Read More